Velvet thought up this idea and made it all by herself. She brought it to me completed, explaining it was to keep her next milk tooth safely under her pillow till the fairies collect it.
She cut pieces of 'Binka/Binko' (I think my mum calls it?) hard rigid plastic with square holes in. She cut out little squares (about 2cm x 2cm) and stitched 5 of them together to form an box, then she sewed just on one side of the final piece to make a hinged lid. She popped a tiny piece of wadding to keep the tooth safe, then proudly gave it to me asking 'Can we put it on the Blog?'
We are the children of the SG5Art group. We are the next generation, see our arts and crafts - see our potential.
We check our Blog every day, to see who in the group has done something arty or to read new comments. It's easy - click on 'comments'! under the photo and text, you don't even need a Blogger id to do it.
Thank you. Love Velvet, Pearl, Molly, Finn, Isabelle, Elliot, William, Jake and Daisy.