Isabelle's teacher, Mrs Murray, is leaving to have a baby. She made this card after school today, it features a relief design and the wording 'smiles everyone'.
Velvet has been busy sewing, she made this today and she is VERY proud of it Velvet holding her finished needle case She has learnt how to tie a bow, so can do this herself She liked selecting some of my pins and bits to fill it with
Isabelle drew this about a month ago. I was really impressed with the shape, she did the basic outline in about 2 minutes and then it just evolved. Sadly William added some of his own style to the picture!
I couldn't wait to make this after I had listened to Pomegranite Sarah explain how she started collage as a little girl, with snippets of wrapping paper and nail varnish. I used wrapping paper, paints and the real gold leaf, given to me by Grandad who has kept it for 40years, it was given to him by a friend he worked with in the printing press where he worked as a proof reader. I wanted it to look like the magic that was coming out of the fairy's wand.
I am running with the idea that art does not have to be paint and paper Sharon. This is the sort of shared moment I love with Jake. He quietly shows me his handful of beautiful marbles I just had to snap a photo and capture the moment I love this image. Call it performance.
Jake and Daisy made this last week in Watchet, Somerset. Daisy made the sand castle with her hands and feet and Jake helped her sort and gather the stones.
Thought I strike while the iron was we have it, a swift action to my idea to set up a Junior SG5 Blog. I notice Karen has just posted her factoid just now too, so I am not alone in being sad and Blogging at this hour. Here we have it. A Blog for the little people in our lives. It will give them a purpose, let them share their art and with feedback they will gain confidence.
We are the children of the SG5Art group. We are the next generation, see our arts and crafts - see our potential.
We check our Blog every day, to see who in the group has done something arty or to read new comments. It's easy - click on 'comments'! under the photo and text, you don't even need a Blogger id to do it.
Thank you. Love Velvet, Pearl, Molly, Finn, Isabelle, Elliot, William, Jake and Daisy.