Velvet has been busy sewing, she made this today and she is VERY proud of it Velvet holding her finished needle case She has learnt how to tie a bow, so can do this herself She liked selecting some of my pins and bits to fill it with
Beautiful! I really want one too! I sewed yesterday, but it was to make a Captain Hardy Hook for Jake. The sewing was definately not as good at yours Velvet. Keep thinking up these lovely objects.
I love it Velvet! You are a clever girl. I look forward to seeing it in the flesh. I'll be asking you lots of questions about how you made it and how long it took. What's your next project? Anna xxx
Hi Velvet, this is Izzy, I think you sewed your needle case really well. This is Karen, I think you have your Mother's Genes! You should feel really proud of yourself, it is beautiful xx
We are the children of the SG5Art group. We are the next generation, see our arts and crafts - see our potential.
We check our Blog every day, to see who in the group has done something arty or to read new comments. It's easy - click on 'comments'! under the photo and text, you don't even need a Blogger id to do it.
Thank you. Love Velvet, Pearl, Molly, Finn, Isabelle, Elliot, William, Jake and Daisy.
How lovely this is Velvet, you are brilliant at just age 8. Mummy xx
Beautiful! I really want one too! I sewed yesterday, but it was to make a Captain Hardy Hook for Jake. The sewing was definately not as good at yours Velvet. Keep thinking up these lovely objects.
What a clever seamstess you are! As well as a collage artist xxxxxxx
Hi velvet this is molly.
I like your sewing .you are good.
See you at Brownies I hope it is fun!!!!!!!!!
I love it Velvet! You are a clever girl. I look forward to seeing it in the flesh. I'll be asking you lots of questions about how you made it and how long it took. What's your next project? Anna xxx
Hi Velvet, this is Izzy, I think you sewed your needle case really well. This is Karen, I think you have your Mother's Genes! You should feel really proud of yourself, it is beautiful xx
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