Sunday, October 29, 2006

Bill by Velvet - wool and stuffing

Bill watches his scarf being knitted

Velvet has knitted this bear during half term.
She is very proud of her first proper knitting project.


Anonymous said...

I am so proud of your very first knitting piece. All that practising making little squares has really paid off. You are a very good knitter for one so young. I love Bill's jumper because the 'random' wool reminds me of the first jumper I knitted my teddy when I was a little girl. What's next???

Anonymous said...

WOW WEE! I could NEVER do anything like this. I can't believe how fabulous Bill turned out. I remember when he was just a few patches of knitting.

I am jealous. I tried to knit things for Emma before she was born. I was given lots of lessons, but eventually my teacher (Nick's very patient nanna) gave up. Knitting is a life skill that you will always be glad to have.

What are you going to do with Bill? I bet the children at Whitehill would like to have a look.

sarah said...

Can some one teach me to knit ? I fancy knitting a pomegranate- am I wierd?

well done velvet.

Anonymous said...

I like bill

tina said...

I like bill too! Can I have the pattern if there is one. Jake is desperate to learn to knit and I reckon he may be able to do this with lots of help