Hi Everyone, hope you are all well. I have some really exciting news. I entered the Tim's Arts design a dragon competition, and I won! I will be unveiling Miracle the Friendly Dragon Saturday 17th July at 10.00, if any of you can make it I'd love to have my fellow bloggers there. Miracle will be watching over the children's area downstairs. If I get the picture I drew back, I'll blog it.
Lots of excited love, Izzy xx
How fantastic, Izzy!!!!well done. Cant wait to see your dragon.
well done Izzy clever girl. Mols will be at drame club but we,ll look afterwardsxxxxxxxx
I loved the framed picture of your Dragaon,Isabelle, he sooooo lovely. Well done, keep entering competitions...you never know!
I would love to see the original too!
I love the original, am I allowed to say he was sooooo much nicer than the 'interpretation' on the wall I saw in the shop today.
I love your dragon I have seen it befor and it is good
love from Molly
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