Velvet started this at her after-school textile club today - embroidery thread through card. She said she found it easy and proudly finished it tonight after Brownies, on her own. She just can't stop looking at it, as she said she loves it so much!
So lovely Velvet, I remember doing some like this when I was much younger. Well done, lets try one together at home....thanks to Mrs Merry for showing you such a lovely thing.
Love this piece of artwork and it has been done so carefully. It looks really pretty. I always remember trying to do these when I was younger and they looked nothing like your one Velvet. WELL DONE it's so, so good. Jill
The colours are lovely, did you pick them yourself? I made some of these with tacks and thread when I was a little girl black and orange seem to stick in my mind. Your colours are wonderful
We are the children of the SG5Art group. We are the next generation, see our arts and crafts - see our potential.
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Thank you. Love Velvet, Pearl, Molly, Finn, Isabelle, Elliot, William, Jake and Daisy.
So lovely Velvet, I remember doing some like this when I was much younger. Well done, lets try one together at home....thanks to Mrs Merry for showing you such a lovely thing.
Its great darling! I used to draw this kind of pattern when I was a little boy using a ruler, but they never looked this good :)
Love this piece of artwork and it has been done so carefully. It looks really pretty. I always remember trying to do these when I was younger and they looked nothing like your one Velvet. WELL DONE it's so, so good. Jill
The colours are lovely, did you pick them yourself? I made some of these with tacks and thread when I was a little girl black and orange seem to stick in my mind. Your colours are wonderful
I remember doing this maybe with pins or am I dreaming ?
love itX
I love it very much
love from Molly
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